"Death sucks"
Ever wondered why we were born only to be cursed with death?
We're aware of death, it awaits each and everyone of us, whether it'd be caused by a freak accident or a natural passing from old age, yet we fuss over the littlest things. There are those who nitpick over the slightest flaw in the span of their lives, then there are the hypochondriac (...no explanations needed there), not to mention the pessimists, etc. I mean.. if the end-game is ultimately death, then why even stress over trying to prolong or preserve your existence?
Shouldn't a person live without any lingering hatred or vendetta?
I mean.. if you harbor any bitterness in life (towards anyone; including yourself), then it's like wasting what's left of your given time on this planet on something as trivial as pettiness.
I feel like there's an element of compensation and bargaining somewhere in the space-time frame of a person's life, like.. we (myself included) lament over our appearance (how we look), finding love / dealing with heartbreaks, climbing the social ladder, overachieving in the financial prospect, and so on and so forth... yet at the end of our life journey, we dissipate into nothingness. So knowing that, we try to delude ourselves into this "denial bubble" where we reject the idea of extinction, pushing the very thought of someday dying into the back of our minds, subconsciously reassuring ourselves that we'll deal with it when the time comes (a near death experience or when we're old, weak and frail), but it's something we can't quite come to terms with... y'know?
Simply put it...
Death sucks
It affects everyone, and brings about fear, paranoia and grief.
We can't accept life after death because what we have, what we feel now is real to us. It's a reality we are accustom to. We project a plausible Heaven and/or Hell as nothing more than a mere virtual/mental expectation to provide some form of relief and comfort in knowing that there's an afterlife, so we trick ourselves into thinking that, "Hey, death isn't so scary after all. I'll be departing into another (essentially-)dimension so it's all good."
I guess my point is this - don't encompass your life around trying to avoid death or wallowing/bathing in a tub of somber or regret. Death is inevitable, so live reasonably (not #YOLO or constantly questioning "What if...").
These are the things I think about late at night when I lay in bed... wide awake. A reminder that I'm a member of the constellation.